Financial Situation
Even though about half of Cypriots (51%) do not expect their financial situation to change within the next two years, some 31% expect it to improve and 14% expect it to deteriorate. Over time, Cypriots appear more optimistic about their personal financial situation, even though results have plateaued over the most recent waves.
The situation is similar with respect to the financial situation of the entire country, with expectations here being even more optimistic. More than half of Cypriots (52%) expect the country's financial situation to improve over the coming years, with only 16% expecting it to deteriorate. Again, however, optimism appears to have plateaued over recent waves.

Standard of Living
Two out of ten households in Cyprus are facing financial difficulties that have either made it hard for them to make ends meet (11%) or that have forced them to cut back on consumption because of restraints in income (10%).
The incidence of households facing financial issues has declined significantly over time, dropping from 45% in 2013 to 21% in 2018. during this period, the incidence of households that maintain a comfortable standard of living and which are not deprived of anything has increased from 14% to 37%.

About 30% of Cypriots would prefer to relocate to a different country if they had the opportunity to do so. Willingness to move and live abroad is closely associated with age, with younger people showing a higher inclination to move out of Cyprus.
The desire to relocate abroad declines the further we move away from 2013.
Current Issues of Cyprus Society | March 2018 Public Opinion Poll
Trust in and Satisfaction with Institutions | March 2018 Public Opinion Poll