Direction things are heading
Perceptions as to the direction that things are heading to has changed significantly over the past five years. Back in 2013 a majority of 74% felt that things were heading in the wrong direction. The perception has been reversed over time, as 2018 finds a majority of 56% seeing things heading in the right direction.

Current issues of Cyprus society
Even though the economic climate and unemployment remain amongst the top issues for Cypriots, both issues are mentioned progressively less as time goes by.
On the contrary, the other major issue on the island, the Cyprus problem, appears to be gaining prominence again over time, as the pressure from the financial crisis in 2013 is easing off.
A series of other problems are gaining prominence over time, which include the educational and healthcare systems, as well as Turkish provocations in Cyprus exclusive economic zone. .
Financial Situation, Standard of Living | March 2018 Public Opinion Poll
Trust in and Satisfaction with Institutions | March 2018 Public Opinion Poll