President of the Republic
Even though only three out of ten Cypriots express trust towards the President, over time, overall trust levels appear to be improving. Trust in the face of the President has been on an upward trend since 2015.
The President's approval rating is following an upward trend. Still many Cypriots remain dissatisfied with the President (38%) or hold a neutral stance (31%).

Only 15% of Cypriots trusts the Parliament. Almost half (46%) express distrust towards their elected representatives., while more than a third hold a neutral stance (37%).
Still, over time trust in the institution as well as satisfaction with its performance are on an upward trend.
Since 2015, trust in the government as well as satisfaction with its performance have been rising.
Nevertheless, average ratings remain below the mid-point of the assessment scales, as large segments of Cypriot society remain distrustful of the government and dissatisfied with its performance (42% respectively) .

Financial Institutions
Most Cypriots remain distrustful of financial institutions (60%) and dissatisfied with their performance (55%).
Following the economic crisis of 2013, trust and satisfaction with financial institutions had been following an improving trend, but appears to have plateaued in 2018.

Justice System
Only one out of four Cypriots (25%) trusts the judicial system of the country. A majority of 44% expresses distrust, and an equal incidence of citizens also expresses dissatisfaction with the performance of the judiciary .
Average ratings for both trust and performance remain on the negative side of the assessment scale over time.

Over time, and compared to other institutions in Cyprus, the Cyprus Police has always enjoyed enjoys higher levels of trust. The Police is the only institution examined for which the incidence of expressing trust (30%) approaches the incidence of expressing distrust (36%). the picture is similar when discussing the performance of the Police force.

Mass Media
The level of trust towards Mass Media in Cyprus remains limited over time. Half of the population (50%) does not trust media outlets, while a further 31% is neutral towards them. Only 18% express some level of trust towards mass media.
The level of satisfaction with the performance of the media appears to be marginally improving over time.

Levels of trust towards the Church of Cyprus have been declining over time, as an increasing incidence of citizens express their distrust towards the Church.
At present, almost half of Cypriots (48%) express their distrust towards the institution, an incidence which is the highest recorded since 2013 when the project commenced.
Political Parties
Political parties remain the institution towards which citizens express the lowest level of trust. Only 4% of Cypriots express trust towards political parties.
An overwhelming majority of 73% expresses distrust towards political parties. This incidence, however, does appear to be following a declining trend over time. Trust towards political parties appear to be marginally improving over time.
Financial Situation, Standard of Living | March 2018 Public Opinion Poll
Current Issues | March 2018 Public Opinion Poll